Story time

This custom order has been very special, here’s the lovely story that inspired the girls….

If today , like most days, you could not find Bella. that would because, like most days, she was lost in a book. Her little mind relished big adventures and tall tales of the high seas and exotic shores, of pirates and princesses, mysteries and mischief. It should not be underestimated nor over exaggerated that Bella’s mind was fertile to say the least and she would spend many an hour plotting and planning her and Lottie’s next grand plan.


Bella!’ cried Lottie, anxious that yet again she could not find her friend.
‘Over here’ replied Bella … and with that a freckled, bespectacled Bella, popped her head up from behind her book – her red curly hair shining in the sun. 

Bella 08

Lottie was lovely by name and by nature. smaller than Bella but with an equally big heart. If Bella was all woolly caps and cardies denim, dungarees , then Lottie was more tailored and tweedy, more lace and linen. 

There was nothing than little Lottie enjoyed more than following Bella through her garden of adventures. However, Lottie was often left confused why it was always she Lottie that was always the one that courted disaster and it always brave Bella who would be there ready to rescue from her most recent fate.

Like the time Bella used her nice new denim jacket as the sail on her pirate ship, or the time when trudging through the undergrowth, Lottie ripped her pretty embroidered pocket and the lace trim on her dress and muddied her pretty shoes.

But there was nothing that would tear these two apart … well only when shouts of ‘DINNER TIME came from the kitchen

Bella Lottie 01

3 thoughts on “Story time

  1. Totally speechless – Bella and Lottie are more stunning than even their photos suggest.
    I am truly and properly gob-smacked. I wasn’t expecting their gingham outfits nor their little travel bag with a change of clothes. The detail is breath taking – they are simply gorgeous. Anyone viewing this site – if you think the dolls are good in Photos wait till you get them in their hands – they are really really stunning and the clothes so beautifully made.- and oh the little swallows and Amazons book – how amazing! Dont know how you do it !! Sue you’re a genius – really – beautiful dolls made by a beautiful person!! Thank you so much – your truly gobsmacked, in awe and beyond delighted xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you love them, it’s been an absolute pleasure making them, I look forward to hearing about their adventures x


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